The Parish Church of St. Peter & St. Paul,
Shoreham, Kent,

Service for Remembrance Sunday 8th November 2020
St Peter and St Paul, Shoreham
with the Shoreham branch of the Royal British Legion
10am Sunday worship via Zoom
(which you can join online or from any telephone via a local telephone number, please contact or
01959 522363 for joining details)
pausing at 10.30am for 15 minutes
10.45am Zoom service continues from the War Memorial with a few members of the RBL
We are unable to gather at the War Memorial but we would like to
invite you to stand outside your house at 11am so that we can share the 2 minute silence together as a community
The whole service will be available on the church website later on in the day
Lorna Robinson and Revd Diane
Dont worry if you don't have a smart phone or the internet, you can join by phone. Several are doing so already. Drop a line to
The Vicarage, Station Road
TN14 7SA
The Church still relies heavily on collection so please keep up your generosity by clicking 'virtual collection' and give on line.